
12 Ideas for your Nonprofit’s Blog

You’ve got heart. You’ve got the vision. Now, all you need is the money. Perhaps you have decided to start a blog for your nonprofit’s website to help bring in more traffic. But…you don’t have any ideas for content. Don’t let your marketing efforts be futile! Don’t worry, that’s why we have curated 12 ideas for your nonprofit’s blog.

Keep reading!

Why Your Nonprofit Needs Content Marketing

We understand how daunting marketing for your nonprofit can be, especially content marketing. It can feel like an uphill battle to pull something together for a blog post, specifically if you’re trying to post on a weekly basis.

However, content marketing can be a vital piece of your marketing strategy. If you are correctly and effectively utilizing content marketing strategies, then you’ll be working to increase the traffic that visits your site. The more visits to your website equate more potential donors and supporters.

The better your website ranks on the search results, the more people will come across your nonprofit. Your blog is the cornerstone of this strategy! It’s extremely important you are doing the necessary keyword research, writing the right topics and producing high-quality blogs.

The success of your blogs depend on two things – quality and quantity. Posting regularly is a must. But, you can’t simply push out low quality content.

What type of content will keep people on your site longer? Creating high-value content will help the right audience encounter and stay engaged with your nonprofit.

Thus, slapping just about anything together and pressing publish is a big NO.

We get how hard it can be. Use these 12 blog topic ideas for your nonprofit’s blog and see the difference.


12 Nonprofit Blog Ideas

1. Tell stories about those you help.

Stories and testimonials are extremely popular. Donors and potential donors want to see the work your charitable organization is doing in action. It’s also important to remember to keep the story or testimonial compelling and short. Make sure you include before and after details.

And, throwing in a few photos or videos are a great way for some added sparkle.

2. Share about your staff.

Nonprofits are unique – unlike businesses, people really care about the “who” behind the organization. Share background information about your staff and volunteers on a daily basis. Help your audience get to know the people behind the mission who are doing the daily work! Plus this is a great way to highlight and thank staff and volunteers.

3. Invite guest bloggers to write a blog post.

This can be anyone such as a client, staff, volunteer, or board member. They can share a story, their background or why they chose to donate/spend time/ work with your nonprofit.

4. Share about events.

A great part of having a blog is it is a free way to advertise! Make sure you are blogging about upcoming events and even blogging afterwards. Even if the blogs are short and to the point, this helps your audience stay up-to-date with what’s going on event-wise.

Include as many details of the turnout and pictures as possible! Those who didn’t attend will want to see all that they missed. Those who did attend will want to see themselves in the photos! This also serves as a way to show off to potential donors the good work your nonprofit accomplishes in the community.

5. Ask your staffers.

If you don’t have any grand ideas for a blog post that week, talk to your front-line staffers. Do they have any funny or interesting stories from the week? It’s important to get in the habit of asking them what has warmed their hearts recently!

6. Summarize press releases and current company news.

Donors and volunteers alike want to stay updated. Feel free to post your press releases or summaries of current news (even if it’s a little boring!) to the blog. Outbound links will also help to boost the credibility of your site and positively impact your site’s ranking as well as bring in your target audience.

7. Highlight an individual donor.

This is a fantastic way to show your appreciation for your supporters! It can be a great idea to highlight a specific donor for their impact in your nonprofit.

8. Share about your nonprofit’s backstory and/or founders.

Your supporters want to know more about what makes your nonprofit tick. If donors are giving large amounts of money, they want to know exactly the who and why of the nonprofit. So, writing a blog post detailing all of this information can be helpful.

9. Repurpose newsletter and eblast content.

Don’t be afraid to reuse and repurpose content that was already posted to social media or sent in an eblast. Don’t worry – most people won’t remember if it’s been used before!

10. Attending an event or conference?

Share what you learned. If you attend a nonprofit conference or event, feel free to share your experience and how it will help advance your nonprofit’s mission and goals.

11. Talk about work accomplished by volunteers.

Just like you should be thanking your donors and paid staff, you should also thank those who passionately help out for free! They are greatly impacting your nonprofit and a simple “thank you” blog post with some statistics or updates could be a powerful way to acknowledge their efforts and encourage more volunteers to join the cause.

12. Share some statistics!

Yes, we know, it sounds boring. But, statistics are powerful! You’ll want to share stats on increases (such as seeing a 15% increase in adoptions in this month) and other positive metrics.

Ready To Start Blogging?

We hope these blog post ideas have provided you with enough momentum to start typing away. However, if you still aren’t sure where to begin or need help bolstering your content marketing strategy, don’t worry.

We have proudly worked with a variety of nonprofit organizations throughout the years. Nonprofits trust us to support their mission while providing high-quality nonprofit marketing campaigns that produce the donations and results your nonprofit deserves. Need nonprofit fundraising help? We can help you attain the funding you need.

You have the heart. Let us help you craft the strategy you need to reach more donors and get the nonprofit funding you need!

Contact us today for your free consultation!

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