
Custom Web Design

What is Web Design & Development?

Website Design & Development is a broad term for all the various work and tasks that go into creating, developing and maintaining a website.

Elevare provides a variety of services when it comes to website design and development. We can alter the look and design of your site, optimize it for mobile interaction, and even customize it with features specific to your business. Some of the features include e-commerce for online sales, having a blog, or widgets to get followers on social media.

Having a website isn’t the only step.  As technology evolves, websites must be maintained and updated periodically to ensure proper functionality. Behind the scenes, websites should also have security measures in place to protect the website and any information that may be associated with it.

The Process

All our web development services begin with a discovery session. We talk with you about your company, brand, and vision. Understanding your story and where you want your company to go is essential. It’s important to take all that your brand is, and incorporate it into your website design, so that it resonates with your audience. Your website represents you, and we want to make sure we provide you with a website you love.

Elevare offers the following Website Design and Development services:

Template Website Builds

A pre-designed website based on a template.

We have a multitude of templates available, giving you a wide selection of themes and designs. With a “ready to go” layout, you simply pick your template, send us your content, and we will build you a simple, informative site!

This is a great low cost investment option for small businesses on a tight budget.

Custom Website

A 100% uniquely designed website – custom built just for you, your brand and your business.

Why would you need a custom website over a template website? When you get a template website, it’s possible that other websites are using that same template design as well. That might be just fine for you, but then again, maybe you want to stand out from the crowd. If you want to have an original, attention grabbing website that perfectly aligns with your brand and audience, then you need the best of the best. You need a custom website.

Other benefits of a custom website include faster load times, custom widgets and programming that are unique and make your site stand out from the rest.

With a custom website, we design your site from scratch. We use your logo, your colors, your font styles, and create a website that is truly representative of your brand and who you are. Custom websites can also come with some amazing features like animations, videos, widgets, a blog, even a section for customer log-in! The sky’s truly the limit when it comes to customization.

When we make you a custom site, we go above and beyond to make it perfectly YOU. If it reflects you, not only will you love it – your audience will too!

Custom WordPress Website

A 100% uniquely designed template for WordPress.

WordPress is a very popular, template based site building platform. We can build a custom template from the ground up. Your template would be completely unique to you and your brand. It should include your fonts, your colors, and your style. We include custom widgets and programming that is better, faster, more interactive and more responsive.

Though WordPress is known for being very “cookie cutter,” we can help you create a look that no one else has. A design that is uniquely YOU.

WordPress Development

Add-ons and features for WordPress.

WordPress is a very popular, template based, site building platform. Even if you have your website up and running, there may be additional features or add-ons that you want to use. There are some amazing options available. We can create it all customized to your brand. Some examples include customer testimonials, image sliders, animations, product reviews, email signups, and more.

These features create interaction that not only helps your site functionality, it also helps build trust and relationships with your audience!

Responsive Web Design

All of our custom websites are designed and programmed for optimal viewing experience across various devices.

Your audience will be looking at your website from a variety of devices. These include smartphones, laptops, tablets, and even smart TV’s. Responsive website design provides an ideal viewing interaction experience by adapting the site’s layout to fit the viewing device. This allows for easier reading and navigation, with minimal scrolling, resizing, and panning.

With mobile traffic accounting for nearly half of website visits, responsive web design is a must for reaching your audience.

Website Maintenance

Maintaining the website for functionality

When you get a car, you have to do routine oil changes and maintenance to keep it running smoothly. A website is no different. We check for updates to the framework and the features of your website. We make sure the code is up to date. Whether we created your site, or you have a pre-existing one, we can help you with the maintenance. Don’t let your site end up broken down on the side of the Internet highway. All it may need is a little tune up!

Website Security

Websites are prone to security risks and data loss. The most common risks are hackers, malware, spyware, or even accidental mishaps. We ensure that your website is protected on a daily basis from threats by having all data encrypted, backed up daily, and stored on remote servers.

Hackers most common interests are user logins and banking information. Encrypting data helps keep outside people from reading sensitive information.  Backing up data, and storing it on remote servers, will ensure that you won’t lose your site if an unexpected mishap occurs.

Keep your site maintained and safe with our security and update packages. We can maintain your current site or keep a site we build for you maintained and secure. Give us a call to discuss custom security plans.

Let’s get started, today!

Call us at 512-222-8488

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