
Do I Need A Business Card?

It’s no secret that the world is changing rapidly due to technological advancement. From business organization to marketing, nothing has been untouched by the change caused by technology. Seeking employment and networking is no different.

If you are already trying to reach out to other businesses or clients through social media and online marketing, congratulations, you are on the right track. Since everything is digital these days, one has to wonder, do you even need a physical business card anymore?

The answer to that is a little more complicated than a simple yes or no.

Lost In The Shuffle

Blank business cards on a table

Regardless of whether you choose to use a card or not, we hope that you are attending as many networking events as you can. In these business parties and conferences, you meet a lot of people. This is great and it means you have the opportunity to truly get your name out there.

The only other thing is that there are a lot of other people trying to get there name out as well. This can be seen by the business card stacks by the end of the night. It can be hard to even remember where you put a certain card, or who had which name. This can mean that you’re printing out business cards for no reason other than to have them lost in someone’s card pile.

We are all for everyone striving for success and excellence, but how do you make your name stand out so that you can get to where you want to be?

One way to fix this is by having a business card that stands out. Another, better, way to fix this issue is to be an active networker.

Active Networking

Two male coworkers laughing

The number of cards you have given by the end of the night is not an accurate method of measuring the success of your networking. You can hand out as many cards as you like but still not have made a significant impression on anyone you could potentially work with.

You need to make sure you are fully taking advantage of a networking event. Handing a business card over should not be your goal when talking to anyone. Work on your conversational skills and your elevator speech, but make sure you still sound like yourself.

Figuring out how to properly present yourself and your business while chatting over after a speech or party may be harder than printing a business card, but it has better effects.

Work on remembering names and businesses rather than where you put that business card they handed you that one time. If you know someone’s name and business you will make a better impression on them the next time around and will be able to remember their email address. After all, most addresses are just the person’s name @ their

Cultural Difference

When deciding whether or not you need a business card, you need to think of the culture of your business environment. Some careers view business cards as nonessential as they should know your name anyway if they want to work with you.

Others prefer more personal contact and would hope you would make a better impression than just a card. Some professionals view business cards as a novice level tactic. However, there are still some companies that appreciate a good business card. Businesses in Canada, for instance, value these cards more than many U.S. companies.

What you need to do is get a better idea of your fellow businesses’ and clients’ perception. Research your field on the subject and ask trusted friends and coworkers about their thoughts. A business card may help you in some fields and countries, while in other areas it may present you as a beginner who doesn’t know what they’re doing.

They Keep It Personal

If you know how to use a business card properly, it can be a nice tool for networking. You need to keep the people you are talking to a priority. The business card isn’t the goal, it is simply a way to exchange contact information. Make sure your conversation is real and focused on the work you could do together and not your contact information.

Giving information digitally can sometimes make this key moment of interaction impersonal. Business cards help you to exchange your information quickly without wasting time staring at each other’s phones. Take advantage of the time you have to make a real connection about your passion and not about your phone number.

An Important Impression of Your Brand

Image of business cards in a cup

Though you need to focus on how you present yourself first, a business card is the first item your client will see that tells them what your work is like.

You may not be a graphic design company, but you need to make sure you have an eye-catching, professional card that represents you well.

Creating a card that stands out from the rest will help you not get lost in the card pile and will help your client see the care you put in your work. Simple cards you print at home will not suffice. Get yourself a business card that gives a good first impression of your brand.

An Easy Tell That You’re Prepared

Handing over a business card immediately lets the other person know that you came prepared to this networking event. If you are scrambling to find a pen to write down your information on the back of a program or napkin, you won’t make the best impression.

People like working with prepared, put-together businesses. You searching for a way to give them your information does not compare to you smoothly handing them a business card.

Not only does a business card make you look prepared, but there’s also a chance that person will share your card with someone else who needs your services. Being prepared with a business card can go a long way while networking.

Leads to Your Website

Coworkers planning a strategy with a laptop

One major way a business card can help you is if it has your website on it. Maybe you had a successful conversation with a potential client, but they need to see more examples of your work. By giving them your card with a website address on it, they will be able to investigate you further on their own time.

A website is essential to have in this day and age regardless of whether you have a business card. A website will help people learn more about you through a search engine or through your social media pages. There may also be information of interest on your website that you did not talk about in person with your potential client.

If they have an easy way to look you up, your potential client or business partner will have a wealth of information at their fingertips about your company.

Keep The Negatives And Positives In Mind.

Regardless of your decision on whether to have a business card or not, you need to keep the positives and negatives of having a card in mind. If you decide to have a business card, make sure you are focusing on personal communication and not exchanging cards so you can move onto the next person. Make sure your card stands out so it doesn’t get lost in a pile.

If you decide to forgo the classic business card, make sure you are prepared to give your information in an easy way so as to not direct the conversation to solely contact information. To help make your decision, make sure to pay attention to your specific field and clientele and what their opinion is on business cards.

Ready to Impress?

If you need a link on your business card to a website that will impress potential clients and business partners, Fill out the form below for a FREE 30 Minute Consultation to find out if we are a good fit to help your brand grow!

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