
Why Inbound Marketing Is Key to Growing Your Business

You may have read the title and immediately wondered what inbound marketing is. A decade ago it was a relatively new idea testing the marketing waters. Now it’s the forefront of marketing methodology for thousands of businesses in the United States and abroad. But if you knew what inbound marketing was when you clicked on this blog, you might be thinking “No, we don’t need it.” That could be very true given your individual business and situation. But if there’s any chance you could be interested, hear us out on how inbound marketing could be quite beneficial to you and your business.

Review of Inbound Marketing

Everyone has a want or need in life, and consumers are no different. Every day they take to the internet searching for an answer or guidance to a want or need they may have personally or professionally. Inbound marketing aims to be a method to the solutions. The communication throughout inbound marketing is interactive and an ongoing two-way street with customers coming to you via search engines, social media, and organic searches. The crux is to earn people’s interest and attention with informative content rather than demanding it as outbound marketing does.

Current Business Challenges

The list of current challenges facing businesses could be a book in itself. No two businesses will tackle the same challenges at the same time, but these were the most common we came across.


Long hours are a hallmark of being a business owner or employee, but those hours can come at a personal toll. Mistakes, disorganization, and forgetfulness can quickly creep up on a daily basis, and these factors can derail even the best-laid marketing plans. With inbound marketing, once set-up, it works for itself while you’re catching up on much needed sleep. Content you created and published five months ago will continue to interest and engage customers, keeping the inbound cycle ever moving.

Customer Retention

Customers come and go to businesses of any size, but targeting and retaining faithful customers can and will pay off in revenues. One facet of inbound marketing is an ongoing email marketing campaign that leans on drip communications. The drip happens when your customers receive the right email at the right time, usually triggered by an action taken on your website such as signing up for a newsletter.

Employee Resources

You may have a small staff and not enough hours in the day to get everything done, including marketing your business. A delegation of tasks might fall to one person with a little more marketing or advertising knowledge than the next person. When you hire an inbound marketing agency to handle your business’s marketing, you’re delegating those tasks to people whose sole job is dedicated to marketing. No more sending off a last second email on a Thursday afternoon to a coworker down the hall about this week’s social media post.


Growing Revenues

There are many factors at play working for and against growing revenues for any size of business, let alone small businesses. Obviously, this can be an ongoing stressor for business owners eager to see the bottom line steadily increase. With so many facets to inbound marketing, there will always be an opportunity for a current or prospective customer to engage with your company. This also opens the door for those customers to share their experience with friends and family, leading to new faces becoming regular customers.

How Inbound Marketing Benefits Any Season

Seasonal businesses can easily be categorized as niche, making an already specialized marketing process even more so. However, once inbound marketing gets moving, it never stops. Older blog and social media posts can be polished up and recycled as they will gain more engagement than more recent items. Each post to your blog, Facebook, or behind-the-scenes news on your website is a reminder to your current and potential customers you’re active and more than happy to field their questions and concerns throughout the buyer’s journey. This is how inbound marketing continues to build upon itself.

Targeting the Right Customers

By targeting your determined ideal customers, you’re not excluding people, but instead wisely spending your limited marketing funds on customers most likely to purchase your product or service. You can choose basic demographics to start, such as gender, age, and location then further split into areas like income and education levels. This is the hard part of targeting your ideal customers, but once it’s over, you have unlimited ability to tailor your messages for optimal reach. By knowing the basics of your audience, you can continually fine tune your marketing toward your targeted audience, which may evolve over time.

Ready to Make the Switch to Inbound?

If you still have questions about whether your business needs inbound marketing, no worries, that’s why we’re here. There are a lot of constantly moving parts to inbound marketing, but that’s where Elevare can bring an easy transition to an inbound marketing plan. Weekly blogging, engaging social media campaigns, customer promotions via email marketing, and more, we are ready and able to get your company into the inbound mindset and help you celebrate a growing customer base and revenues.


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